Land of the samurai and the sumo wrestler, land of ancient temples and tea ceremonies, land of Kabuki and Bunraku, of Hokusai and Hello Kitty, Kurosawa and Murakami, Manga and Anime—Japan is one of the world’s most fascinating civilizations. The Japanese Program in the Department of Comparative Literature is your window to this culture. You can major or minor in Japanese Language and Literature. We offer introductory to advanced Japanese language courses, as well as courses in Japanese literature and culture. In addition, there are many study-abroad opportunities in Japan. The program pays equal attention to the four language skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Graduates should be able to read diverse Japanese texts with little external help except from dictionaries, and should also be able to express ideas about complex social and literary issues orally and in writing in grammatical Japanese. Degree Requirements Visit the UGA Bulletin, the official resource for university academic information, to learn about degree requirements for the Japanese Language & Literature Major, To find more information about the Japanese Program and its faculty, you can also the external Program Homepage.