Associate Professor Selected Publications Selected Publications: Leone Allacci: Life and Letters 3 vols. (Studi e Testi, Vatican Library) forthcoming. “Conversion, learning, and professional choices: the case of Heinrich Julius Blume” In Die Praktiken der Gelehrsamkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit, eds. H. Zedelmaier and M. Mulsow (Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 2001) 179-220 “Melchior Inchofer, «un homme fin & rusé»” In Largo campo di filosofare. Eurosymposium Galileo 2001, eds. J. Montesinos and C. Solís (La Orotava, Fundacíon Canaria Orotava de Historia de la Ciencia, 2001) 587-611 “Cardano consults Alciati, or the physician seeks a cure” In Bruniana & Campanelliana VII/2 (2001 [2002]) 501-515