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Myth in Culture: New Fall 2023 Course Offering

Were myths merely the irrational fantasies of unsophisticated or unenlightened peoples? Or is it possible that they represent a facet of human thinking that is as much with us today as ever? This course will explore these questions and more!


What: CMLT 3190 (57834)

When: MWF 9:10-10:00am

Where: Caldwell Hall 105


If any questions, feel free to contact Elliot Shaw at


Faculty Member Participates in UGA Humanities Festival

Dr. Mi-Ryong Shim recently participated in “Global Studies”, a panel about humanities research at UGA and beyond as part of the inaugural UGA Humanities Festival. The humanities add to people’s knowledge of the world and explore the diverse ways in which humans understand explore and change it over time. At the event, Dr. Shim spoke about the global dimensions of her current research, as well as how she came to study and write on Korean literature and film.

Asian Language Placement Tests for Fall 2023

Placement tests for Asian languages will be held during office hours the first week of classes. If you are interested in taking a Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese language class in the fall and need a placement test, you can contact the following instructors to set up an appointment.

Chinese Language 1000-2000 classes, please contact Zhiwen Hu at . For Chinese Language 3000-4000 classes, please contact Dr. Wenbo Chang at

**Please contact Dr. Karin Myhre for information on CHNS 4110/6110 at

Dr. Rosemary Jolly: "Effluence in Disease: Ebola and HIV as Case Studies of Debility in the Postcolonial State”

Photograph of Dr. Rosmary Jolly
Park Hall, 265

Link to the UGA Calendar Website

As part of the Willson Center's distinguished lecturer series, Dr. Rosemary Jolly will give a talk titled "Effluence in Disease: Ebola and HIV as Case Studies of Debility in the Postcolonial State.”

Dr. Jolly is Weiss Chair of the Humanities in Literature and Human Rights at Penn State.

This lecture is sponsored by the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts, the African Studies Institute, and the Department of Comparative Literature.

Dr. Rosmary Jolly
Weiss Chair of the Humanities in Literature and Human Rights Director of Graduate Studies, Comparative Literature
Pennsylvania State University

Cultural Awareness Celebration

Cultural Awareness Celebration
Science Learning Center (SLC) Lecture Hall 45

The faculty and students of African Languages, cultures, and literature program welcome you to this time of celebration, laughter and a gentle reminder of the beauty, spirit and uniqueness that Africa brings to the world. All students and their teachers dress in their native attires.

There will be free African cuisine prepared by students and faculty. Come join us to learn about African languages, cultures, AND literature program and meet the students and faculty members.

Date: April 10th, 2024

Time: 3:30-5:30PM

Where: Science Learning Center (SLC) Lecture Hall 45

2023 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Winners

The Center for Teaching and Learning administers the Outstanding Teaching Assistant (OTA) award, sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Instruction. This award recognizes teaching assistants who demonstrate superior instructional skills while serving in the classroom or laboratory. The 2023 winners from the Department of Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies are below. Congratulations!

Ji Hyun Hong - Korean TA

Pamela Kimario - Swahili TA

Sabnam Ghosh

Ph.D. Graduate

Dr. Sabnam Ghosh is a Ph.D. graduate from Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies, Class of 2020. Sabnam is currently the Visiting Assistant Professor in Postcolonial and Global Anglophone Studies at the Department of English at Fairfield University. She is a former lecturer in English at Kennesaw State University. Her main areas of research include Comparative Literature, Asian American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Diaspora and Migration studies, South Asian Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Disability Studies, and World Literature.

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