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Tanzania Study Abroad Informational Meeting

Student in Tanzania with children.
Room 153 Joe Brown Hall

If you are interested in 2019 Study Abroad in Tanzania, please drop-in and meet Dr. Whitney on Wednesday, January 23 in room 153 Joe Brown Hall from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm. She will be there to answer any questions and provide you with information regarding the Interdisciplinary and Service Learning Programs for Maymester Study Abroad Tanzania.

The programs are open to all majors and class levels. Both programs include field experience in Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti, as well as an optional extension to Mount Kilimanjaro.

For more information, please visit and search Tanzania or email Dr. Whitney at

Study Abroad

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Use your new language and cultural abilities to take advantage of programs and internships in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Tanzania.

Yuki Sasaki Caldwell

Instructor of Japanese Language

Yuki Sasaki Caldwell received her M.Ed. in Foreign Language Education from the University of Georgia. Her teaching and research interests include foreign language acquisition and historical linguistics, and she instructs multiple levels of Japanese language.


Research Interests:

Foreign language acquisition, historical linguistics

Thomas Cerbu

Associate Professor
Selected Publications:

Leone Allacci: Life and Letters 3 vols. (Studi e Testi, Vatican Library)  forthcoming.

“Conversion, learning, and professional choices: the case of Heinrich Julius Blume” In Die Praktiken der Gelehrsamkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit, eds. H. Zedelmaier and M. Mulsow (Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 2001) 179-220

“Melchior Inchofer, «un homme fin & rusé»” In Largo campo di filosofare. Eurosymposium Galileo 2001, eds. J. Montesinos and C. Solís (La Orotava, Fundacíon Canaria Orotava de Historia de la Ciencia, 2001) 587-611  

“Cardano consults Alciati, or the physician seeks a cure” In Bruniana & Campanelliana VII/2 (2001 [2002]) 501-515  

Karim Traore

Emeritus Faculty

(Ph.D. Saarbrücken and Habilitation Bayreuth) African Literatures and Film, Literary Anthropology

Research Interests:

African literatures, languages, and cultures; orality and aesthetics of African cinema

Selected Publications:

Sunjata contra Columbus: Envisioning History and Culture in Contemporary Africa through  Kouyatés Film Keita. L'héritage du griot In: Ute Fendler und Mechtild Gilzmer (eds.): Grenzenlos. Festschrift für Helmut Schwartz zum 65. Geburtstag.. Aachen: Shaker Verlag


Gathering Knowledge from the Elders In: Georgina Beier (ed.):  “They Keep Their Fires Burning”. Conversation on Food, Manners and Hospitality in Africa. Bayreuth African Studies Series 72. 2005. 91-103

Le jeu et le sérieux. Essai d’anthropologie littéraire sur la poésie épique des chasseurs du  Mande (Afrique de l’Ouest) Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Reihe ‘Studien zur Kulturkunde’ 2000

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