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Gabriel Ruhumbika

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests:

African and Black Diaspora literature, Swahili language and literature, and comparative Bantu cultural studies

Selected Publications:

“Mwandishi wa Kiswahili na Lugha Yake Katika Tanzania Huru” (The Swahili Writer and Swahili Language in Post-Independence Tanzania) In Proceedings of the IKR (Institute of Kiswahili Research) Jubilee Symposium. Dar es Salaam: Institute of Kiswahili Research, 2006.

Towards Ujamaa Editor. Social-political essays on the development of Tanzania.  Nairobi:  East African Literature Bureau, 1974. 

Janga Sugu la Wazawa (Everlasting Doom for the Compatriots) Novel in Swahili on witchcraft in contemporary Tanzanian and African society. Dar es Salaam: E & D Ltd., 2002.

Wacha Mungu wa Bibi Kilihona (Grandma Kilihona’s God-loving Children) A research based and documented sociohistorical novel in Swahili (463 typescript pages) on Tanzania since the European colonization of Africa South of the Sahara, with particular 3 emphasis on the consequences of the interaction of  African religion, Islam and Christianity in African society.

Samuel Kim J.LIVE Talk Japanese Speech Contest

Congratulations to Samuel Kim, a student in JPNS 2001 with Sasaki-sensei, received 3rd place in the final round of this year's competitive J.LIVE Talk Japanese speech contest. JLIVE (Japanese Learning Inspired Vision and Engagement) Talk is a college level Japanese Language speech competition that emphasizes a comprehensive range of learned communication skills. The contest was hosted by the George Washington University on Sunday, November 11, 2018.

Playing with Robots

The Comparative Literature Department introduces a new course titled Playing with Robots for spring 2019.

CMLT 3080 (CRN 48058) invites students of all academic interests and political persuasions to join "the most important conversation of our time" (Max Tegmark).

The course is designed to be an interdisciplinary introduction to concepts of cyberspace and intelligent machines, stimulating reflection on the ethical and socio-political consequences of future developments in artifical intelligence.

Korean Language Society

South Korean Flag
Joe Brown Hall Lobby

Want to practice your Korean?  Want to learn about Korean culture?  Want to make more friends?  Join KLS on Wednesday evenings! Contact

Cultural Awareness Celebration

Room ABC Tate Grand Hall

With a sense of pride and joy, the  faculty and students of African languages, cultures, and literature program welcome you to this time of celebration, laughter and a gentle reminder of the beauty, spirit and uniqueness that Africa brings to the world.

There will be free African cuisine prepared by students and faculty,  skits, music and dance. Come join us to learn about the African languages, cultures, AND literature program and meet the students and faculty members. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT!!!!

Dr. Dainess Maganda Receives the Franklin College Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award

Dr. Dainess Maganda is the recipient of the Franklin College Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award 2018. She was nominated by her students based on her enthusiasm, dedication and quality of instruction. Dr. Maganda teaches Swahili and the World I and II  and Elementary and Intermediate Swahili. A former student summed it up by saying, " Dr. Maganda is a wonderful woman who truly cares about her students and I suspect anyone she meets. She reminds me to see the good in every aspect of life, no matter how trivial.

Dr. Peter O'Neill Has Earned an Honorable Mention in the Donald Murphy Prize for Distinguished First Books

Dr. Peter O'Neill has earned an Honorable Mention for his 2017 book, Famine Irish and the American Racial State in the Donald Murphy Prize for Distinguished First Books competition organized by the American Conference for Irish Studies. " I am absolutely delighted to have earned this recognition" says Dr. O'Neill. "The Murphy Prize competition is one of the most prestigious awards in my field, and this year's crop of monographs was particularly strong. I am very grateful to the selection committee for this honor."

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