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Asian Language Placement Tests for Fall 2021

Placement tests for Asian languages will be held during office hours the first week of classes. If you are interested in taking a Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese language class in the fall and need a placement test, you can contact the following instructors to set up an appointment.

Chinese Language 1000-2000 classes, please contact Zhiwen Hu at . For Chinese Language 3000-4000 classes, please contact Anqi Liu at

**Please contact Dr. Karin Myhre for information on CHNS 4110/6110 at

On A Critical Time

By Masaki Mori


Our current, perpetual nemesis

Wields invisibility and silence

To take the disposable body

And shrivel the mind dry

Depriving our voice of the last breath

In isolation, unheard, uncared for,

No utterance signals viral dominance


Stretch our being, in and out,

Stir the air with our expression

As a sign of life for co-motion

Comparative Literature Teaching Assistants Receive Outstanding Teaching Awards

The Center for Teaching and Learning at UGA administers the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, sponsored by the Vice President for Instruction. This award recognizes the top 10% of teaching assistants demonstrating superior teaching skills while serving the classroom. Dot Eum(Rachel) Kim and Emily Lee, both teaching assistants in the Korean Language Program, have recently received Outstanding Teaching Awards. Congratulations to Emily and Rachel.

Department Notice on Covid-19 Virus Information

The Comparative Literature Department is operating on a reduced on-campus schedule to adhere to the social distancing practices. We are, however, working via telecommuting resources and other remote work arrangements. The department email is also being checked on a regular basis, so please send us an email at if we are able to help in any way. 

At this time, all study abroad programs have been suspended. 


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Every dollar given has a direct impact upon our students and faculty.